United States Citizenship and Nationality

Every individual who was born in the territory of the United States of America is classified as American citizen, under the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA).

In the whole territory of the country are included 50 states. People who were born in Puerto Rico, Virgin Island, North Marina Island and Guam are given US citizenship by Congress Acts.

Individuals from Swains Islands and American Samoa are nationals, but not citizens of United States of America. All US people born is America are citizens and nationals, but not all of US nationals are citizens of the country.

US Citizens rights and responsibilities:

Each citizen has the rights of living, working and participating in the political system without any restrictions.

In addition, all citizens of the country have the rights to be protected and represented by all US embassies and Consulates all over the world.

One of the main responsibilities of all US citizens is to accept the constitutions and to serve in a jury if it is necessary and they are asked.

Everyone is obligated to pay taxes and to travel abroad with authorized document (passport). All males must take part in the US army.
