A lot of FAST pass applications are denied by the US and Canadian Customs and Border Protection agencies because some truckers have criminal records and violations. However, there are case where truckers without any criminal record and violations are denied from the program even they meet all the requirements.
In case you are denied for the FAST pass and you want to reapply, you may give us your GOES ID and password, and we will process your application at the half price for you. In other words, we will charge you only $59.99 (plus the mandatory $50 government fees). We cannot guarantee that you will get the card, but we can ensure you will have a better chance to get one.
Criminal Records
One of the most common reasons for truckers to be denied from the program is that they had criminal records. The main purposes of FAST travel programs are the relationship of Canada, US and Mexico governments for speeding up border crossing between the countries and make the exporting of goods faster. That is why the program is concern with low risk travelers without criminal records and no violation history. The crime would be committed long time ago, and now you might be lived clean and law abiding citizen. However, this carries no weight to your FAST applications (in case the crime had been waived in both sides (countries), you will not be eligible to apply and get a FAST card.
Truckers with criminal records might be accepted in the program if their crimes reserved a pardon latter and has been wiped from the databases (that does not mean that it is deleted completely from central records). The Canadian pardon latter is only recognized in Canada but not in the United States in America. In case, your crime has been committed in Canada and/or you are a Canadian resident, you would get that kind of latter to clean you name/ record. If your crime has been committed in the US, you need to get a waiver of inadmissibility.
Accuracy and Completeness
Accuracy is one of the keys aspects in filling out a FAST application form. A large number of FAST applicants are denied from the program because they are incomplete and contain inaccurate information. All the information that you will provide on your FAST application form has to be typed in the same/ exact way as it appears on your official documents (passport, driver license, ID card). For example, if all people know you as John Smith, but in documents you are Joseph Samuel Smith, you have to provide the information that appears into the official documents. In case you decide to use our services, you will review your documents and contact you if there are any mistakes or miss information. In addition, as an experiencing firm, we can ensure you that your application will be send to the government with all the requirements.
Some application forms are denied because applicants miss filling out their permanent residency requirements. If the applicant spends a lot of time outside the United States and Canada, he/she may be denied because the applicant does not spend enough time in the country. All FAST authorities require minimum five years historical background. All the information provides has to be completed and to include a valid phone number and zip code.
Denial Reasons
There are some statements that you might be received in case you are denied for the FAST pass. You can see these statements below:
In case you are denied for the FAST pass and you want to reapply, you may give us your GOES ID and password, and we will process your application at the half price for you. In other words, we will charge you only $59.99 (plus the mandatory $50 government fees). We cannot guarantee that you will get the card, but we can ensure you will have a better chance to get one.
Criminal Records
One of the most common reasons for truckers to be denied from the program is that they had criminal records. The main purposes of FAST travel programs are the relationship of Canada, US and Mexico governments for speeding up border crossing between the countries and make the exporting of goods faster. That is why the program is concern with low risk travelers without criminal records and no violation history. The crime would be committed long time ago, and now you might be lived clean and law abiding citizen. However, this carries no weight to your FAST applications (in case the crime had been waived in both sides (countries), you will not be eligible to apply and get a FAST card.
Truckers with criminal records might be accepted in the program if their crimes reserved a pardon latter and has been wiped from the databases (that does not mean that it is deleted completely from central records). The Canadian pardon latter is only recognized in Canada but not in the United States in America. In case, your crime has been committed in Canada and/or you are a Canadian resident, you would get that kind of latter to clean you name/ record. If your crime has been committed in the US, you need to get a waiver of inadmissibility.
Accuracy and Completeness
Accuracy is one of the keys aspects in filling out a FAST application form. A large number of FAST applicants are denied from the program because they are incomplete and contain inaccurate information. All the information that you will provide on your FAST application form has to be typed in the same/ exact way as it appears on your official documents (passport, driver license, ID card). For example, if all people know you as John Smith, but in documents you are Joseph Samuel Smith, you have to provide the information that appears into the official documents. In case you decide to use our services, you will review your documents and contact you if there are any mistakes or miss information. In addition, as an experiencing firm, we can ensure you that your application will be send to the government with all the requirements.
Some application forms are denied because applicants miss filling out their permanent residency requirements. If the applicant spends a lot of time outside the United States and Canada, he/she may be denied because the applicant does not spend enough time in the country. All FAST authorities require minimum five years historical background. All the information provides has to be completed and to include a valid phone number and zip code.
Denial Reasons
There are some statements that you might be received in case you are denied for the FAST pass. You can see these statements below:
- Illegally present in the United States of America from 2004 to 2006
- You have been found to have regulations, violations or other related laws
- You have to be resident in Canada for at least one year before applying for FAST card
- You have been arrested
- Impaired driving
- Assault with weapon
- Criminal offense
- You do not meet requirements.
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