
The passport of United States of America is an official document provided to Americans to prove their US nationality. By owning American passport everyone can walk and work legally all over USA. As most European citizens, Americans can use only their passports as an official document for travelling.
US citizens also need some visas and documents. For that purpose, having a US passport is a convenience and luxury because US government has agreements with countries all over the world. People can issue their passports by the US department. Citizens can choose from two kinds of passports: book and card.
The passport books are valid for travelling all over the world. However, you have to have in mind that some countries require an additional visa for entering the particular country. They are conformed with recommended standards such as size, composition and layouts of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). The US government provides five different types of passport booklets:
US official passport is with brown cover. The passport is issuable for members of Congress who need to travel abroad on official business and for employees, citizens of USA assigned overseas. The validity of passport is generally five years.
US regular passport is with dark blue cover. It is issuable for all citizens and noncitizens nationals (being legal in the country). For people in age of 15 or younger, the validity of the passport is up to five years countering from the issued date. For those people in age of 16 and above, the passport is valid up to ten years from the date it is issued.
 US refugee passport is with blue-green cover. It is not a full passport, but issued to aliens who have been classified as refugees.
 US diplomatic passport is with black cover. It is issuable for American diplomats and for citizens who travels abroad because of diplomatic work. The pastor is vid validity of five years.
US emergency passport is issuable for American citizens who need to travel immediately. It can be issued at the same day, and it is valid for one year. However, it can be replaced before its expiration date for full-validity passport and has no additional cost.
Since August 2007, the Department of States has been issuing only biometric passports; however, this does not mean that nonbiometric once are not valid. People can use their nonbiometric passports till their expiration dates.
Since 2008, the Department of States has started issuing passport cards. Passports give opportunities to Americans to travel to Canada, Mexico, Caribbean and Bermuda, but only if they are crossing sea or land. Americans cannot use the passport cards for travelling by plane or other countries than these countries mentioned above. It is not a full passport, but an ID card that cannot be used for international air travels.
All types of passports are official documents confirming the nationality of the holder. In case, the passport is lost or stolen during a holiday or any kind of travel abroad; the person has to contact the US embassy where they can confirm and prove that he/she is a US citizen and has the rights to return to United States of America.
